a) Purpose/Objective
In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “Act”) and Ontario Regulation 429/07 (the “Customer Service Standard”), Alltemp Products Company Limited, (the “Organization) has developed policies, practices and procedures for the provision of goods or services to people with disabilities (the “Policy”).
The Policy is guided by the fundamental principles underlying the Customer Service Standard. We are committed to ensuring that the requirements set out in the Act and the Customer Service Standard are rigorously observed. We recognize the importance of making goods and services accessible to people with disabilities. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and a respectful, welcoming and inclusive environment to all individuals who use our goods and services.
b) Definitions
“We” and “Our” means the Organization. For the purpose of the Policy, all definitions in the Act and the Customer Service standard will be deemed to be definitions under the Policy.
c) Mission Statement
Our Organization is committed to eliminating obstacles faced by customers who have disabilities. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Policy and related practices and procedures are consistent with the following principles as prescribed in the
Customer Service Standard:
(i) The Organization will provide goods and services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.
(ii) The Organization will provide integrated services to people with disabilities wherever possible and we will provide alternative measures to provide goods and services to people with disabilities where integration is not possible; and
(iii) The Organization will provide equal opportunity to people with disabilities to obtain, use or benefit from our goods or services.
d) Application
This policy applies to all employees of the Organization.
e) Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities
(i) Communication
When communicating with a person with a disability, we will take into account the particular individual’s needs and circumstances. Members of our staff who communicate with customers have been trained on how to interact with people with various types of disabilities in order to ensure we provide responsive and effective communication.
(ii) Assistive devices
The Organization will permit the use of personal assistive devices by people with disabilities to obtain, use or benefit from our goods and services. Our staff is trained on the use of various types of assistive devices by people with disabilities accessing our goods and services, so as to better provide services to these individuals.
(iii) Telephone services
In order to provide effective service to people with disabilities, our staff is trained to speak to customers slowly in clear and plain language over the telephone. If the disability provides a barrier to telephone communications, we will be available to communicate through email.
Our staff is also trained on how to use the Bell relay service to communicate with persons who are deaf, oral deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or deafblind, although receptionists will (due to the volume of incoming calls) be required to pass these calls onto other service representatives.
(iv) Billing
In order to best serve people with disabilities, we provide our invoices in the following formats upon request: hard copy, large print, or by email. Questions regarding invoices will be answered in person, by telephone, or by email.
f) Use of Service Animals and Support Persons
A person with a disability who uses the assistance of a service animal is permitted to access all areas of our premises open to the public or third parties with a service animal. If it is not readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons related to his or her disability, we may ask the person to provide a letter from a physician or nurse that confirms that the animal is required for reasons related to the disability. Our staff is trained on how to interact with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.
A person with a disability who requires the assistance of a support person will be allowed to enter all areas of our premises open to the public or third parties with the support person. The person with a disability will not be prevented from access to the support person at any time while on our premises. No fees will be charged for admission to our premises by support persons.
g) Notice of Temporary Disruption
If there is a temporary disruption in the facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities, we will provide customers with notice as soon as possible. In the notice of disruption, we will include the following information: (1) the reason for the disruption, (2) the anticipated duration of the disruption, and (3) a description of any alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be posted on all public entrances to our premises.
h) Training for Staff
The Organization will provide training to all of its employees and other individuals who have contact with the public on our behalf, and all individuals who are involved in the development of our policies, practices and procedures. Training will be provided to each individual as soon as practicable after he or she is assigned the duties which require the need for training.
Training will be received on an ongoing basis whenever we make changes to our policies, practices or procedures to ensure that the Policy is properly implemented and followed at all times.
Our training program consists of the following:
(i) An overview of the purpose of the Act and the requirements under the Customer Service Standard.
(ii) Training on how to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disabilities.
(iii) Training on how to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or the assistance of a support person.
(iv) Training on how to use equipment or devices available on the Company’s premises or otherwise provided by the Organization that may help with the provision of goods or services to a person with a disability.
(v) Training on what to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing our goods or services; and
(vi) Training on our current policies, practices and procedures relating to the Customer Service Standard.
The Organization will keep records of the training provided, including the dates on which the training was received and the number of participants.
i) Feedback Process
In order to properly assess the need of people with disabilities, the Organization has created a feedback process. We welcome verbal and written comments from individuals on haw effectively we are accommodating people with disabilities in the provision of our goods and services.
(i) Receiving Feedback
Feedback may be provided in person or in writing addressed to:
Alltemp Products Company Limited
827 Brock Road South
Pickering, Ontario
L1W 3J2
Attention: Human Resources
(ii) Responding to Complaints
The Organization will address complaints that arise through the feedback process in a timely manner and respond to the feedback in the manner in which it was submitted. If a complaint was made in person, a written response will be provided if the complainant has given us an address (postal or email) to which to send it. Schedule “A” is to be used to record verbal feedback and Schedule “B” is to be provided to persons asking to submit written feedback.
j) Notice of Availability of Documents
The Policy and any corresponding practices and procedures will be made available to any person on request. We shall post notice of the availability of these documents on all our premises to which the Policy applies.
Format of Documents
Upon request we will provide a copy of the Policy in a format that takes into account the disability of the person submitting the request.
k) Modifications to the Policy and Related Policies
Any modifications made to the Policy and any related policies will be for the purpose of improving our ability to provide services to people with disabilities. Any change made to the Policy or related policies will carefully take into account the impact on people with disabilities. Any provision of the Policy or related policies that does not enhance our ability to provide goods and services to people with disabilities will be modified accordingly.
l) Questions about the Policy
We welcome questions regarding our commitment to providing accessible goods and services to people with disabilities. If you have any questions regarding our policies, please contact Human Resources (905-831-3311) who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.